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C# 2.0: The Complete Reference

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C# 2.0: The Complete Reference,
Second Edition
by Herbert Schildt

Table of Contents 

Part I - The C# Language

Chapter 1   The Creation of C#

Chapter 2   An Overview of C#

Chapter 3   Data Types, Literals, and Variables

Chapter 4   Operators

Chapter 5   Program Control Statements

Chapter 6   Introducing Classes and Objects

Chapter 7   Arrays and Strings

Chapter 8   A Closer Look at Methods and Classes

Chapter 9   Operator Overloading

Chapter 10  Indexers and Properties

Chapter 11  Inheritance

Chapter 12  Interfaces, Structures, and Enumerations

Chapter 13  Exception Handling

Chapter 14  Using I/O

Chapter 15  Delegates and Events

Chapter 16  Namespaces, the Preprocessor, and Assemblies

Chapter 17  Runtime Type ID, Reflection, and Attributes

Chapter 18  Generics

Chapter 19  Unsafe Code, Pointers, Nullable Types, and Miscellaneous Topics

Part II - Exploring the C# Library

Chapter 20  Exploring the System Namespace

Chapter 21  Strings and Formatting

Chapter 22  Multithreaded Programming

Chapter 23  Collections, Enumerators, and Iterators

Chapter 24  Networking Through the Internet

Part III - Applying C#

Chapter 25  Building Components

Chapter 26  Creating Form-Based Windows Applications

Chapter 27  A Recursive-Descent Expression Parser

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